About Us
Many years ago I used to go to the doctors to have my ear water syringed to help me equalize better for scuba diving.
The last time I had it done, the doctor was putting more pressure on my ears than me scuba diving to 140 ft ( which is about 14 pounds per inch on your body ) He flushed my ear out, checked with his little light and said no there's still a little bit in there. He flashed and checked about 3 or 4 times and in the end said there's still a tiny bit that I cann't get out.
On the way home from the doctors, I brought a pair of ear candles and used them that night. I returned to the doctors the next day for blood results and a couple of shoots because I was going up to the Solomon Islands to do some ship wreck diving. I said could you check my ears, I used some ear candles last night. He looked and said yeah you got that bit out that I couldn't get out.
I thought right, ear candles are better than syringing. They remove more ear wax, no pressure on the ear drum which could pop it and clears the sinuses. Syringing doesn't clear the sinuses.
About 8 years ago I brought 400 pairs of ear candles off the internet from America and Bev & I did the Soul, Mind & Body Expos, once or twice a month. This was more of a social thing with like minded people and a part-time job in which I made a bit of pocket money. Later we did a few night and weekend markets. We then started making our own ear candles, again just as a hobby and we really started to perfect them.
Then in March 2012 we both got made redundant from different jobs, so we decided to do ear candling full time. Well if we get made redundant from this job, it's our own fault !
So now we do about 5 markets a weekend and the odd expo.
Do you know that 80% of people do a job they don't like. So we feel lucky in doing a job we really enjoy.
The views and information in this website is of my personal opinion, unless I have quoted from other people. there are professional and non- professional people who will disagree with what's in this website. New Zealand is not a communist country. We do have freedom of speech .
More importantly. If you have ear pain or any other ear condition that you are not happy about consult your Doctor or Pharmacist.
The views and information in this website is of my personal opinion, unless I have quoted from other people. there are professional and non- professional people who will disagree with what's in this website. New Zealand is not a communist country. We do have freedom of speech .
More importantly. If you have ear pain or any other ear condition that you are not happy about consult your Doctor or Pharmacist.