Senior citizens are the hardest to persuade into having their ears done and are usually dragged in by younger family members.
But once they have had their ears done once, you don't have to talk them into doing it twice. They just jump straight on to the table.
Senior Citizens Unsteady On Their Feet
In your middle ear or just behind the ear drum are 3 little bones that act as a pendulum and are the smallest bones in the body. It is my opinion the ear candles realign these little bones which helps with balance or vertigo.
It's very common for senior citizens to trip over and break a hip. Older bones take longer to heal and you can imagine the hassles of having a broken hip.
Keeping Wax Out Of Expensive Hearing Aids
A lot of senior citizens with hearing aids have their ears vacuumed with a new machine for free under A.C.C. at the new super clinics or doctors. The vacuum machine does a reasonable job, not as good as ear candling and they don't clear the sinuses. But I guess you get what you pay for in life.
I've had bets with people and said O.K. you get your ears done first at the super clinic or doctor and then come and see me the same day and we'll do ear candling. Now if I don't get any ear wax out of your ears, you don't pay me. I have never lost a bet !
Improve Hearing
Ear candling will improve your hearing, usually only by a small amount, but the small amount can improve quality time spent with grand children.
But once they have had their ears done once, you don't have to talk them into doing it twice. They just jump straight on to the table.
Senior Citizens Unsteady On Their Feet
In your middle ear or just behind the ear drum are 3 little bones that act as a pendulum and are the smallest bones in the body. It is my opinion the ear candles realign these little bones which helps with balance or vertigo.
It's very common for senior citizens to trip over and break a hip. Older bones take longer to heal and you can imagine the hassles of having a broken hip.
Keeping Wax Out Of Expensive Hearing Aids
A lot of senior citizens with hearing aids have their ears vacuumed with a new machine for free under A.C.C. at the new super clinics or doctors. The vacuum machine does a reasonable job, not as good as ear candling and they don't clear the sinuses. But I guess you get what you pay for in life.
I've had bets with people and said O.K. you get your ears done first at the super clinic or doctor and then come and see me the same day and we'll do ear candling. Now if I don't get any ear wax out of your ears, you don't pay me. I have never lost a bet !
Improve Hearing
Ear candling will improve your hearing, usually only by a small amount, but the small amount can improve quality time spent with grand children.